Student Outcomes

Southern Wesleyan University (SWU) assesses and evaluates success with respect to student achievement as articulated within our Mission and Core Values. SWU is committed to demonstrating our success in regards to student achievement by: 1) identifying appropriate measures and criteria to determine success, 2) utilizing the student achievement data to further our mission, and 3) documenting our student achievement data and subsequent results of its findings to determine related success.

SWU utilizes a broad range of measures and metrics to demonstrate and document its progress in meetings its goals and objectives for student achievement. These measures are congruent across the differing instructional modalities which students experience at Southern Wesleyan University. The measures and metrics currently utilized include:

  • Enrollment Measures
  • Graduation and Retention Rates
  • Job/Graduate School & Outcomes
  • State Licensure Examinations Performance and Pass Rates

Based upon the results yielded by data, Southern Wesleyan University has implemented and continues to implement a number of interventions and strategies to improve student achievement.

Enrollment Measures

Southern Wesleyan University (SWU) tracks enrollment by program as a measurable outcome. To track the appropriate trends, SWU uses the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). SWU has established the expectation to consistently seek reasonable growth in student enrollment while maintaining quality and keeping class sizes small in order to provide the personal touch and hands-on educational experience. In line with seeking appropriate growth and maintaining the institutional mission, the university has set an enrollment goal of 2,000 students. As SWU nears this achievement, the institution routinely evaluates the current faculty ratios and institutional space and resources to maintain an optimal learning experience.

Graduation Rates

Examining the length of time for students to attain a degree at Southern Wesleyan University (SWU) is essential in defining and ensuring student achievement. SWU monitors graduation rates and reports them in the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Graduation Rate Survey. This survey evaluates the graduation rate of a given cohort of students over a six-year period. The University has an annual goal of a 45 percent undergraduate graduation rate. The graduation rates are as follows:

Retention Rates

The University also monitors fall-to-fall retention rates for first-time, full-time students and reports them in IPEDS. SWU has set a goal for a combined retention rate of at least 70 percent. The retention rates are as follows:

Job/Graduate School Outcomes

The Career Services office has compiled a summary of career outcomes information. These summaries are based on surveys conducted across regular intervals throughout the year, and we use this information to identify ways to improve our job search services for graduating students and alumni.

Career Outcomes

State Licensing Examinations

Graduates from the School of Education's initial certification programs must take and pass a licensure examination prior to employment. These examinations serve as tools for assessing students’ comprehensive knowledge and skills application within the discipline. The examinations also provide national benchmark references for student performance. SWU’s teacher education program utilizes the PRAXIS Licensure Exams as the program’s comprehensive assessment and graduation requirement. Student performance and expected outcomes/benchmarks for these examinations are found below:

Peregrine Examinations

The Department of Business uses Peregrine leveling courses and outbound exam to analyze learning. The assessment was implemented in 2018 as part of an improvement effort addressing learning gaps of students upon entry to the graduate programs, particularly quantitative skills. Peregrine exit exams are implemented in the MBA capstone courses to assess student learning achievement across the graduate program. The outbound assessment is externally benchmarked to aggregated assessments of privately-owned, not-for-profit, and/or faith-based institutions. The target results are to be at or above the aggregate results. The results exceeded aggregate results in all comparison groups in all Core Professional Component categories.