Core Values

University Core Values

Biblically Faithful

Southern Wesleyan University strives to see our students transformed by the presence of God in their lives. As an unapologetically Christian institution of higher learning, we recognize Scripture teaches that Wisdom begins with the fear of the LORD, truth is objective, and all ideas are not equal.  Regardless of the blowing winds of cultural trends and secular philosophies, faithfulness to God’s Word must be our foundation, our center, and our goal.

Through allegiance to the Trinity, submission to the authority of Scripture, and zealous pursuit of Biblical orthodoxy, SWU students develop a confident sense of identity and success before an audience of One. This transformation of our students – intellectually and spiritually – is the core of our mission. Southern Wesleyan serves as a refuge and an oasis for students, their families, and their communities of faith where traditions are strong and the resources are present to train young men and women not only for their careers but for their whole lives ahead.

Financially Affordable

The Scriptures tell us to “count the cost” before launching into a major endeavor. At Southern Wesleyan University, we are committed to making education a valuable and affordable investment.

Too many students are burdened by insurmountable college debt after graduation. At Southern Wesleyan, we maintain one of the lowest tuition rates in private higher education while also investing greatly in individualized financial aid offers. Our personalized approach to financial aid awards enables us to tailor packages to fit our students’ needs through institutional scholarships, grants, and federal and state assistance. We want students and parents to be confident that a SWU education is worth the cost, vocationally as well as spiritually.

Academically Rigorous

At Southern Wesleyan University, we embrace our inheritance of the Western theological and philosophical traditions that began in Athens and Jerusalem, led to the original Christian liberal arts universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and continue to this day. We believe students should learn to think critically, while also thinking Christianly, through a challenging education that leads to transformation of the whole person.

Our faculty and staff come alongside students to meet them where they are and walk with them in our shared calling to worship the Lord with the mind, as well as the heart, soul, and strength. We believe education should be accessible to every student from every background, and our catalogue of over forty on campus majors and minors provides for a wide variety of interests and giftings. In all things, we seek to be continuously transformed into the image of Christ and prepared to think critically while engaging responsibly with the most salient issues of our day.

Vocationally Effective

We are committed to graduating students who are well prepared to succeed in the workplace and graduate school. From 1906 through to today, SWU graduates have become servant-leaders, transforming the world for Christ in their jobs and communities. Our hands-on training in the classroom, on- and off-campus experiences, mentoring, and internships equip SWU graduates for success in the workforce and graduate school.

SWU professors understand that their work is not solely about transferring knowledge but rather is about mentoring, apprenticing, and being incarnationally invested in the lives of their students. We take joy in helping students discover their vocational goals and create a plan to achieve them. As in the parable of the talents, we have a duty to ensure students see a good return on their investment of time and treasure in pursuit of an education.