Call Me Mister

Call Me MISTER Overview

Call Me MISTER is a highly acclaimed program that recognizes the value and the need for a highly qualified and diverse teacher workforce. Unfortunately, a balanced representation is not the case in far too many South Carolina public schools. Indeed, there is documented evidence which indicates a dismal picture and shortage of teachers, especially among the state’s lowest performing public schools. The Call Me MISTER initiative and successful model seeks to increase the pool of available teachers from a broader more diverse background. Call Me MISTER has proven to be an effective program in South Carolina.

The Call Me MISTER program relies upon developing Servant Leaders as teachers in elementary education, early childhood education, special education and physical education which exemplifies Southern Wesleyan University’s Department of Education disposition of a Christian ethic of care…

  • care toward self
  • care toward learners
  • care toward colleagues
  • care toward community

The Call Me MISTER program provides:

  • Scholarship in the amount of $10,000 annually for MISTERS that have completed the Praxis Core and $5,000 for those who have not.
  • Tuition assistance through Loan Forgiveness programs or admitted students pursuing approved programs of study in teacher education at participating colleges
  • An academic support system to help assure their success
  • A cohort system for social and cultural support

Mission Statement

The mission of the Call Me MISTER (acronym for Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role Models) Initiative is to increase the pool of available teachers from a broader more diverse background particularly among the State’s lowest performing elementary schools. Student participants are largely selected from among under-served, socio- economically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities.

The Call Me MISTER program is contributing to the talent pool of excellent teachers by identifying and supporting students who are literally "touching the future" by teaching children.

Guiding Core Principles

  • We advocate and promote the concept and core principles of Servant Leadership
  • We strive for full development of each teacher, drawing from educational resources within and beyond the classroom walls.
  • We encourage students to engage and accept the challenges of encouraging students of all races to strive for personal excellence.
  • We promote the training of skilled and caring teachers, who will stimulate, guide and challenge their students to become leaders and positive role models in their respective communities.
  • We support committed, motivated students who desire to make a difference in the lives of young people.
  • We support students who understand the dispositions necessary to be an effective person and teacher.
  • We hold respect, responsibility, accountability, service and support as core values of the MISTER community.
  • We value contributions to society by undertaking opportunities for outreach and service to others.

Procedures for Admission

Apply for and be accepted into Southern Wesleyan University.

Submit the following items:

  • High School diploma and final transcript or General Education Development (GED) certificate.
  • Two letters of recommendation
    • One (1) from a teacher, guidance counselor, or principal at the high school from which the diploma is earned.
    • One (1) from a person of the student’s choice who can express the student’s involvement in the community and/or potential for entering the teaching profession.
  • An essay entitled, “Why I Want to Teach,” which will address the student’s motivation for entering the teaching profession and the contributions he hopes to make to the profession and to the community as a teacher.
  • An essay entitled “How do you believe the Call Me MISTER program will benefit you as a student?”
  • A signed statement certifying that student is from an underserved, underprivileged or economically disadvantaged background or area.

Following the submission of the items above, an interview will be scheduled with the prospective program participants to ascertain their potential for teaching and their motivations for participation in the program, as well as to provide an opportunity for clarification of any information submitted through the application process.

Southern Wesleyan University
Department of Education
716 Wesleyan Drive
Central SC 29630
Phone (864) 644-5360
Fax (864) 644-5974