Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan Request Forms

Books & Other Items | Articles | Purchase Request

Locate an Item to Request


If you already know the information for the desired article, fill out the Articles form and submit it. The article will be emailed to you.

If you need to find an article first, use our databases to locate an article. Click on "request item through interlibrary loan" below the citation. Or, use the information you find to fill out the Articles form. This service is free to you as a student at Southern Wesleyan University.

Books, Scores, DVDs, Etc.

Search Worldcat, a large database containing information about nearly any book that has been published as well as many other resources, such as videos, CDs, etc. You can use WorldCat to locate information about books (including various editions), and some of the libraries that have a copy.

Fill out the Books and Other Items form. There is a $3 fee per request for physical items (books, DVDs, etc.).

Requests for textbooks will not be processed. Click here to view our interlibrary loan policies

NEED HELP? Ask a Librarian, call 864-644-5060, text 864-339-9201, or e-mail us.