Brown-Bulloch to coordinate SWU’s healthcare administration concentration

Oct 3, 2014 | Adult Evening programs | Business

Southern Wesleyan University named Lynn Brown-Bulloch as an associate professor of business and program coordinator for a new healthcare administration concentration to be offered within the MBA degree program.

This past June, Southern Wesleyan entered into an agreement to develop the new healthcare concentration, which will combine the finance, operations and business management components of a traditional MBA while adding key elements of healthcare management.

In addition to teaching within the university’s School of Business, Brown-Bulloch will develop healthcare administration concentrations and courses for SWU’s business programs as well as actas a liaison between school and healthcare organizations.

Brown-Bulloch earned her DBA from the University of Phoenix, a master’s degree in nursing administration from the University of South Carolina and an undergraduate degree in nursing from MUSC. She began her career as a staff nurse and then moved into administrator positions in the healthcare and business industry. She was a home health administrator for McLeod Health in Florence, then vice president, business excellence and chief strategy officer for American Stainless in Cheraw. More recently, she worked in higher education as associate vice president for health and sciences at Florence-Darlington Technical College.

Brown-Bulloch is a 2007 recipient of the South Carolina Palmetto Gold Nursing Award, was a member of the JCAHO National Home Care Advisory Council, past-president of South Carolina Home Care Association, was a member of the South Carolina Governor’s Quality Award Steering Committee, and was a senior examiner in the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Program.  

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