Into podcasts? SWU would like for you to check these out

Jul 27, 2020 | Community | Contagious generosity

Rev. Scott Williams, left, and Dr. Paul Shotsberger interview author Dr. Stephanie Derrick, on laptop, for a Moments that Matter podcast, one of the latest of podcast offerings from the SWU community.

There has been a continued trend of increased podcast listenership in recent years. Each day millions of Americans are drawn to podcasts – brief programs devoted to a multitude of topics they can listen to without being bound to any particular time or place.

Southern Wesleyan University has been offering podcasts for years now, starting with recordings of chapel speakers, but has more recently been branching out to appeal to more interests. During the past year, some new podcasts have been rolled out and folks are starting to take notice.

Moments that Matter

Moments that MatterMoments that Matter takes a look at pivotal choices made by interviewed guests, mostly authors. Dr. Paul Shotsberger, professor of graduate studies in the School of Education and Rev. Scott Williams, SWU Online chaplain, started producing this podcast in early 2020 and, since then, have done interviews dealing with theology, finances and the COVID pandemic. The podcast is available on platforms that include AppleAnchor by Spotify, and RadioPublic.

SWU Soul Stories

SWU Soul StoriesSWU Soul Stories is a podcast sharing encouraging and empowering stories from Alumni, current students and friends of Southern Wesleyan University. The podcast, hosted by Rev. Heath Mullikin, the university’s director of alumni and constituent relations, features interviews with alumni who are impacting their communities around the world in the areas of ministry, leadership and even filmmaking. SWU Soul Stories podcasts are currently available on Anchor and Spotify. You can also input the RSS feed into your favorite podcast app to subscribe.

SWU Chapel

This podcast – SWU’s oldest – offers an extensive library of speakers from university chapels over the years and is available in Apple and in video form on YouTube. Earlier this year, Zooming in on Hope was added to these podcast and video offerings. This series features Rev. Ken Dill, Southern Wesleyan’s chaplain and associate vice president for spiritual life, interviewing university faculty and alumni who have impactful stories to share.

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