Jazzin’ up the summer

Jul 7, 2008 | Community | Fine Arts

High school students, middle school students, adults and retirees from across the state jammed with top jazz artists during a summer jazz camp June 24-28, 2008, at Folger Fine Arts Auditorium on the campus of Southern Wesleyan University in Central. 

Professional jazz musicians from across the nation including Stockton Helbing from Maynard Ferguson’s band as well as Ana Guigui, Ariel Alexander, Doug Henry and Tom Hildreth were on hand to teach improvisation and jazz theory as well as how to get more out of jazz instruments. Also on hand were members of Southern Wesleyan’s Jazz Ensemble and local artist Bruce Helgeson. For details about the university’s jazz program, contact Greg Day at (864) 644-5295 or .

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