Reunion about sharing, learning family histories

Apr 30, 2014 | Clayton Room | Community

Southern Wesleyan University hosted representatives from families, historical groups, genealogical societies and related organizations on its Central Campus, capping off the Reunion of Upcountry Families, a three-day event held April 24-26. 

Individuals and families came from across the Upstate and across the country to meet and share information with others, many of whom have ancestors in common. Family histories and other memorabilia of upcountry life were on display April 26 at Southern Wesleyan. The reunion was sponsored by the Birchwood Center for Arts and Folklife, along with Southern Wesleyan University, the Faith Clayton Genealogy Center, the Old Pendleton District Genealogical Society, the Pickens County Historical Society, the Pickens County Museum of Art and History, Anderson Genealogical Society, the Central Heritage Society, the Pendleton District Commission and a Pickens County Accommodation Tax Grant. 

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