Mar 30, 2006 | Faculty | Awards and recognitions | Humanities
Sally Wood, teaching award recipient.
South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities SCICU announces its first annual Excellence in Teaching Awards banquet to be held on Tuesday evening, April 4, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center in Columbia.
The banquet will coincide with the South Carolina Independent Higher Education Week, April 3-7, as proclaimed by the Governor’s Office. During Higher Education Week, students from Southern Wesleyan University and other independent institutions will be visiting the State House and thanking their legislators for providing them with state tuition grants.
During the Excellence in Teaching awards banquet, faculty recipients of the 2006 SCICU Excellence in Teaching Award will be honored with a certificate and a professional development grant for $3,000. This award is given to one faculty member at each of the 20 SCICU member colleges and universities. Each recipient was chosen by their institution according to rigorous criteria. The most important characteristic of the nominees is their demonstration of the highest standards in teaching methods that encourages students to strive for excellence in their studies and pursuits.
SCICU recognizes the following recipients of the 2006 SCICU Excellence in Teaching Award: Southern Wesleyan University – Assistant Professor of English Sally S. Wood, Allen University – Dr. Willease Sanders, Anderson University – Dr. Dorota A. Abramovitch, Benedict College – Dr. Samirsubas Raychoudhury, Charleston Southern University – Mr. Aaron Baldwin, Columbia International University – Dr. Alex Luc, Claflin University – Dr. Rebecca Bullard-Dillard, Coker College – Dr. Shawn Lay, Columbia College – Dr. Christine Hait, Converse College – Dr. Richard Keen, Erskine College – Dr. Mary Lang Edwards, Furman University – Dr. Gilles Einstein, Limestone College – Dr. Suzanne E. Lindley, Morris College – Dr. Patricia M. Ali, Newberry College – Dr. Timothy Elston, North Greenville University – Dr. Thomas C. Allen, Presbyterian College – Dr. James T. Wetzel, Spartanburg Methodist College – Dr. Mark Gibbs, Voorhees College – Dr. Bernard Moses and Wofford College – Dr. Clarence Abercrombie.
SCICU was established in 1953 with the primary mission of promoting independent higher education in South Carolina. SCICU seeks to advance independent higher education through fundraising, scholarships, research and by facilitating collaborative activities among the 20 member institutions. The member institutions of SCICU educate nearly 33,000 students each year.