Apr 15, 2011 | Awards and recognitions
The leadership program educates 50 class members each year from throughout South Carolina. Class sessions include presentations, panels, experiential learning and a great deal of interaction between class members and presenters.
The class met for three-day sessions in locations across the state. Each session addressed the challenges that face South Carolina and the region. Topics included education, economic development, environment, energy usage, historical perspective, social issues, health, workforce development and natural resources. Upon completion, each participant has a deeper understanding of South Carolina’s issues and the decision-makers who are leading the way.
Leadership South Carolina participants are selected through a competitive process. Applicants may be nominated or may apply directly for admission to the program. The selection committee places major emphasis on the individual’s demonstrated abilities as a leader and on their personal past record of service in a leadership capacity.
According to the Leadership S.C. vision, “As a premier statewide leadership program, successful Leadership South Carolina graduates are better-informed, energized and networked to develop and pursue solutions that positively impact their businesses, communities, the state and the region.”
For details about the program, go to http://www.leadershipsc.com/