Mar 18, 2010 | Alumni

Guyton will present a perspective for young women on defining who they are in Christ.

Guyton, who lives in Fayetteville, has also authored two books. Her first book, “I Shall Live and Not Die,” encourages women to focus on living, allowing God to heal and deliver them of their past and present pain. Her current book, “Pursuing the Vision Behind Church Walls,” tells how believers can pursue God’s vision for them, instead of being a group of wounded saints within the church walls.

She also organized Entrepreneur Writers in Motion workshops and has an upcoming workshop planned in Fayetteville. Guyton is a 2001 general business graduate of Southern Wesleyan, taking her classes at the university’s location in Charleston.

The Women’s Ministry of New Life Bible Church was formed with the purpose of uniting Christian women for spiritual growth, establishing new relationships with one another while ultimately helping them achieve a greater relationship with God. For details about the conference, go to

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