SWU honors Catron, Wimphrie and Black

May 15, 2018 | Athletics | Academics | Employees | Awards and recognitions | Academics: Religion

Southern Wesleyan University celebrated the more than 90 years of combined service of Jonathan Catron, physical plant director; Charles Wimphrie, head men’s basketball coach; and Dr. Bob Black, professor of Religion. At right is a portrait of Black that will hang alongside the portraits of other retired SWU faculty members.

As director of the Physical Plant, Catron has overseen many key construction projects on the Central Campus. Wimphrie stood out as a high scoring player on the SWU Men's Basketball team and came back to coach winning seasons and to instill in his athletes how to win, not only on the court, but in their Christian walk. Black has served more than three decades on the Religion Faculty, including a time as division chair. He has also provided denominational leadership in The Wesleyan Church and has authored histories of SWU as well as a denominational history of The Wesleyan Church.


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