SWU Opens Outdoor Recreation to Community

May 4, 2020 | Community

Southern Wesleyan University is reopening to the public the track at the Joe R. Gilbert Track and Field (above) and will also be opening the tennis courts at the Rev. Leroy Cox Tennis Complex (below), effective 5 p.m. on Monday, May 4.

Rev. Leroy Cox Tennis Complex


“In light of the Town of Central reopening some of their recreation facilities and the governor loosening restrictions, we wanted to also follow that lead and open our facilities back up to the public,” said Dr. Chris Confer, Southern Wesleyan’s vice president for student life. Social distancing will still be required and strollers are not allowed on the track surface. Confer added that the university is committed to providing these healthy outlets for physical fitness to the community.

The P.B. Wood Golf Practice Range will remained closed due to construction.

Southern Wesleyan University is a Christ-centered, student-focused learning community devoted to transforming lives by challenging students to be dedicated scholars and servant-leaders who impact the world for Christ. For details about degree programs, go online to swu.edu.

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