Apr 20, 2012 | Advancement

The gift from an anonymous donor comes at a time when Southern Wesleyan is looking at the need to expand academics, student life and athletic facilities.

“Our campus is blessed with beautiful and expansive land, great people and amazing opportunities to grow,” said Dr. Todd Voss, university president.  “This gift will provide the impetus for us to start planning for the near future like never before.”

According Voss, there is a need to enhance options available to students for growth to occur. The center is among several improvements being considered for the university’s campus in Central.

Other improvements being planned include a new residence hall, patterned after a state-of-the-art model for a living and learning facility. Future plans also call for a new recreation and wellness center to enhance the university’s athletics program. As the university expands into new degree programs such as Exercise Science, a new science facility is being considered, as well.

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