SWU spotlights spirituality

Jan 28, 2008 | Spiritual Life

Eddy Shigley, founder and president of the Doulos Leadership Group, was Spiritual Emphasis speaker at SWU.

Southern Wesleyan University is taking time at the beginning of the semester to emphasize spirituality. The time of spiritual emphasis is Jan. 27-29, 2008 and features speaker Eddy Shigley of Bartlesville, Okla., where he is the founder and president of the Doulos Leadership Group.

He has worked at Oklahoma Wesleyan University, been a camp director, served as a student ministries pastor and has led mission teams. Above, Shigley addresses the chapel crowd at Southern Wesleyan University on the topic of discipleship. He defined disciples as those who follow the teachings of Christ and stressed the importance of obedience and allowing God to guide one’s life. “True discipleship brings joy,” Shigley said.

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