Color Palette

Color is an essential part of any brand identity. The SWU color palette is a selected group of colors that complement and enhance our University Blue. That's why we've created this brand color palette.

University Blue

University Blue is the official university color and should be the primary color in university branded pieces.

University Blue Color Swatch

Pantone 288

C:100 M:69 Y:6 K:29

R:33 G:55 B:109
Hexcode: #21376D

Warrior Blue

Warrior Blue is the official color for Warrior Athletics and should be used as the primary color for athletic branding with University Blue and neutrals used as accent colors. See the Warrior Brand Guide for more athletic branding information.

Warrior Blue Color Swatch

Pantone 286

C:92 M:59 Y:0 K:0

R:0 G:51 B:160
Hexcode: #0033A0

Accent Colors

While University Blue will make up the majority of color used in materials for the University, an expanded selection of color is needed. The accent colors palette has been chosen to complement University Blue and add flexibility. This palette should be used only to support University Blue in small accent applications. For publications that are more complicated or have deeper levels of information, these accent colors can help communicate content organization more clearly.

Accent Blue Color Swatch

Pantone 2985

C:65 M:0 Y:3 K:0

R:72 G:184 B:231
Hexcode: #48B8E7

Accent Green Color Swatch

Pantone 367

C:42 M:0 Y:74 K:0

R:141 G:199 B:108
Hexcode: #8DC76C


This neutral palette are suggested guidelines for including black and grays into artwork as needed.

Black Color Swatch

Pantone Process Black

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100

R:30 G:28 B:27
Hexcode: #1E1C1B

Dark Gray Color Swatch

Pantone Cool Gray 11

C:30 M:17 Y:8 K:51

R:78 G:79 B:82
Hexcode: #4E4F52

Medium Gray Color Swatch

Pantone Cool Gray 6

C:19 M:11 Y:11 K:28

R:160 G:162 B:164
Hexcode: #A0A2A4

Light Gray Color Swatch

Pantone Cool Gray 2

C:4 M:3 Y:6 K:7

R:210 G:209 B:206
Hexcode: #D2D1CE