Tuition Assistance & Discounts

Select your branch for Tuition Assistance information

Air Force/Space Force | Army | Coast Guard | Marine Corps | Navy

Southern Wesleyan University accepts tuition assistance from all branches of the United States military. The chart below depicts the basic TA information by branch. Please contact your ESO for specifics on how to apply for and utilize your TA benefits. You can also contact Donna Pittman, Warriors CARE Center Co-Director, at or 864-644-5059 to discuss other programs available for military affiliated students.

Service Branch Amount Covered Who is Eligible

Air Force

  • $250 per semester hour
  • Up to $4,500 per fiscal year
  • Active duty
  • Reserves


  • $250 per semester hour
  • Up to 16 semester hours per year
  • Up to $4,000 per fiscal year
  • Active Duty
  • ARNG on Active Duty
  • Army Reserves

Coast Guard

  • $250 per semester hour
  • Up to $3,750 per fiscal year
  • Active Duty
  • Reserves in AD status


  • $250 per semester hour
  • Up to $4,500 per fiscal year
  • Active Duty only


  • $250 per semester hour
  • Up to $4,500 per fiscal year
  • Active Duty
  • Naval Reserves in AD status

Space Force

  • $250 per semester hour
  • Up to $4,500 per fiscal year
  • Active duty

Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded. To comply with the new Department of Defense policy, Southern Wesleyan will return any unearned TA funds on a prorated basis through at least the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending.

Southern Wesleyan University considers the enrollment in at least one course as a contract binding the student for charges for the entire semester. However, when withdrawal from school or a class becomes necessary, reduction in charges (tuition-only) will be made according to the following scale:

The online program has seven week courses, with a week considered as seven days (49 total days in a course).

The 60% mark falls at Day 29, so we would prorate up until this date.  After that, no funds would be returned.

Online TA Refund Policy

Prior to course starting 100.0% returned
Days 1-7 90.0% returned
Day 8 87.7% returned
Day 9 85.5% returned
Day 10 83.2% returned
Day 11 80.9% returned
Day 12 78.6% returned
Day 13 76.4% returned
Day 14 74.1% returned
Day 15 71.8% returned
Day 16 69.5% returned
Day 17 67.3% returned
Day 18 65.0% returned
Day 19 62.7% returned
Day 20 60.5% returned
Day 21 58.2% returned
Day 22 55.9% returned
Day 23 53.6% returned
Day 24 51.4% returned
Day 25 49.1% returned
Day 26 46.8% returned
Day 27 44.5% returned
Day 28 42.3% returned
Day 29 40.0% returned
Day 30 0.0% returned

The on-campus program is 16 weeks long, with a week defined as seven days.

The 60% mark falls during the 10th week, so we would prorate up through week 10. After week 10, no funds would be returned.

On-Campus TA Refund Policy

Prior to semester starting 100.0% returned
Week 1 100.0% returned
Week 2 93.3% returned
Week 3 86.7% returned
Week 4 80.0% returned
Week 5 73.3% returned
Week 6 66.7% returned
Week 7 60.0% returned
Week 8 53.3% returned
Week 9 46.7% returned
Week 10 40.0% returned
Week 11 0.0% returned
Week 12 0.0% returned
Week 13 0.0% returned
Week 14 0.0% returned
Week 15 0.0% returned
Week 16 0.0% returned

Southern Wesleyan Active Duty Discount

Southern Wesleyan University offers tuition discounts to active duty military personnel and their spouses enrolled in SWU Online. This includes active drilling National Guardsmen and Reservists who have served in combat as evidenced by a letter from the student’s commander, stating completion of active service in combat. The Military Discount is considered Institutional Aid. A student will not be eligible to receive the Military Discount if the combination of Institutional Aid and/or any governmental military benefits exceeds the cost of a course. Please contact the Student Accounts Office to be considered for this discount.

Who is eligible? Undergraduate Tuition Discount Graduate Tuition Discount
Active Duty Personnel and active drilling National Guardsmen and Reservists who have served in combat $300 discount per course $150 discount per course
Spouses of active military personnel $75 discount per course

Note: Spouses of National Guardsmen and Reservists do not qualify for discount.