Campus Safety

Campus Safety is committed to providing a safe, secure, Christ-centered learning environment for the Southern Wesleyan University campus community. Campus Safety holds a security license from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED). All Campus Safety security officers are registered with SLED and have arrest authority on Southern Wesleyan University property.

Responsibilities of campus safety include but are not limited to:

  • Vehicle and foot patrol
  • Building access control
  • ID services
  • Parking services
  • Crime reporting
  • Event security and traffic control
  • Hazard mitigation
  • Safety and emergency response analysis, planning, and training
  • Services including safety escorts, emergency vehicle jump-starts, and property engraving
  • Fire and safety equipment inspections and management

The following list of persons and organizations are trained to receive crime reports:

SWU Campus Safety: 864-508-0107
Central Police Department: 864-639-4020

Call 911 for EMS, Fire and all other emergencies (9-911 from campus phones)

Annual Security Report for Central Campus 2024-25 (PDF)

Annual Security Report for Central Campus 2023-24 (PDF)

Reporting Criminal Actions or Emergencies

Students, staff and faculty are directed to report all crimes or violations of university safety policies that they witness to a campus security officer, a residence director or the office of Student Life. Telephones are located in residence halls, faculty/staff offices and the Campus Life Center for the convenience of students and employees. Any of the above listed personnel will immediately notify the local police department. In emergency situations, the witness or victim may notify local police directly by dialing 911.

All such serious crimes or violations must be reported to the office of Student Life by one or more of the above at the earliest possible time. Actions that might endanger the campus community will be reported in a timely manner to students and employees by the Office of Student Life.

Additional Emergency Numbers

Southern Wesleyan University: 864-644-5000
Amanda Chapman: 864-644-5131
Diana Sanders, Title IX Coordinator: 864-644-5506
Rob Bowling, Director of Facilities Services: 864-644-5667
Clemson Police Department: 864-624-2000
Sheriff's Office: 864-898-5500
Poison Control Center: 1-800-922-1117
Pickens County Advocacy Center: 864-442-5500 (24-hour line)

SWUALERT Emergency Notification System

The SWUALERT is an emergency notification system available to students, faculty, and staff. Family members can be added by adding additional phone numbers and email addresses to the student's account. The SWUALERT notification system is only used to alert the campus community of emergency situations which may require specific action such as severe weather. The SWUALERT notification system is not used to announce events or programs. For more information on the SWUALERT notification system, contact Campus Safety at 864-508-0107.

If you wish to update your contact information, log in below using your SWU email address. If this is your first time logging in, click the "Forgot your Password" link and enter your SWU email to begin.

Other Information

Security at SWU is a community effort which means that each person must take an active part in reporting criminal actions, emergencies or unsafe conditions.

The Southern Wesleyan University Campus Security and Crime Awareness brochure is updated annually and distributed to all employees, prospective students and employees, and anyone who requests such information. Near the end of each semester, students are reminded to secure textbooks more than usual because of the higher likelihood of textbook theft. Sometimes security problems warrant special memos to appropriate personnel or campus discussion in chapels, residence hall meetings or open forums.

Because of Southern Wesleyan's commitment to the Christian lifestyle, respect, protection and compassion toward all men and women is emphasized in academic and extracurricular experiences throughout the year.

Security concerns are included in discussions during orientation, dorm meetings and assemblies. Special seminars are offered by student life, residence hall and health services personnel on security issues considered most relevant to students. Individual counseling is available for victims of violence, abuse or other breaches of safety. Each supervisor is responsible for including relevant security information in each employee's orientation session.

Security procedures and emergency telephone numbers are highlighted periodically in the campus communications.

Alcohol and Drug Use Policy
Students and employees of Southern Wesleyan University are expected to refrain from possession, use or distribution of alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco unless prescribed by a licensed physician. The university supports state laws with respect to alcohol and drug violations and reserves the right to report all violations of such to local authorities. This standard is expected regardless of age of the employee or student. This expectation is clearly stated in both the handbook for employees and the handbook for students and implies total abstinence as an indication of one's responsibility to God, to others, to self and to the university. For more information, refer to one of the above mentioned handbooks.

No fireworks or firearms are to be in possession or discharged on campus property at any time. Weapons are not permitted in the residence halls.