New Year, New You

01/15/2020 | by Zach Wheeler | Spiritual Life

Before you even think it, I know. What a clichéd blog title! As a society, we have grown to view each New Year as a new opportunity, a new chance, a fresh start. While this is a great way to view starting a new year, I feel like we can sometimes put too much pressure on resolutions and unrealistic goals that we know we’ll never achieve. So, I’ve decided to share some hope and some things to focus on for this new year! 

Really get to know God

There’s no time like the NOW to really delve into God’s word and His love for you. Why not let this be the year where we fully surrender to Him and allow Him to have control in your life? Look back on your life and try to imagine it without God. Maybe it’s time to really give time to God whether it be with personal devotions, more prayer, going to church more often, or all of these things. God just wants to have a relationship with you and love you. Why not let Him?

“Let us acknowledge the Lord;
    let us press on to acknowledge him.
As surely as the sun rises,
    he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains,
    like the spring rains that water the earth.”

- Hosea 6:3 (NIV)

Take better care of yourself

This is the year where you start taking care of yourself. Take the time to get enough sleep, to devote more time to your physical and emotional well-being - whether it’s with friends or alone - and to dive into what God has in store for your life. This is the year to let go and let God. This is the year to get rid of toxic relationships. When you start growing in your spiritual walk, people who aren’t willing to grow alongside you may eventually fall away. This is the year to begin loving yourself for who you truly are. Allow yourself to fail, allow yourself to take days-off, and allow yourself to be comfortable in your own skin. During this process, remember who God created you to be. True self-care is only possible through the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Find your identity in Him and let Him show you how loving yourself can better your ministry. 

Be generous

Whether it’s with time, money, or talents, let's try to be more generous this year. Volunteer with programs or organizations you support, give more of your time to those around you who need you, donate to a charity you love, and give yourself as well as others time to process and grow. This year, let's have a bigger heart for people. Allow God to really change you and give you His eyes and heart for humanity.

These aren’t the easiest things to do in life, but I think they are so important for us to focus on this year! This can be a year of tremendous growth if we just name it and claim it now. I’ll be cheering you on and God will be too!

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