SWU Blog

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Top Four Reasons Why Choosing SWU for Your STEM Degree is Your Best Option

11/9/2023 | by Staci Johnson | Academics

Choosing the right college or university can be a daunting task. Students must consider many factors, such as the...

7 Steps to Writing a Quality Essay

10/16/2023 | by Isaac Clary | Academics

Writing an essay can be a daunting task for many college students, but it doesn't have to be. The following 7 steps...

You're Accepted, Now What?

10/16/2023 | Admissions

1.Submit Your FAFSA I know, filling out the FASFA seems long and dreadful, but getting a head start will remove the...

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When You Feel Like Giving Up...

07/19/2021 | Rev. Mark Wilson | Spiritual Life

When you feel like giving up... Sometimes, we all feel like giving up. It comes with the territory of...

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Masters of Education with specialization in Virtual Teaching

04/2/2021 | Dr. Sandra McLendon | Academics

See how technology-enhanced learning is becoming a heavy emphasis in the coming decade. Hybrid, virtual blended, and...

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What is a DBA? How is it different from a PhD in business?

01/26/2021 | Dr. Kip Pirkle | SWU Online, Academics, Faculty

DBA vs. PhD. Business professor Dr. Kip Pirkle compares these two doctoral degrees and their utility for business...

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New Beginnings

01/6/2021 | Natasha Dongell | Faculty, Spiritual Life

I know new year resolutions have a bad reputation, but I still love a new beginning! I love the opportunity to pause...

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The Third Week of Advent: Joy

12/15/2020 | Rev. Ken Dill | Spiritual Life

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will...

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The Peace Candle

12/9/2020 | Rev. Ken Dill | Spiritual Life

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called...

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What You Should Know About Human Resources Jobs and Degrees

11/13/2020 | Dr. Priscilla Hammond | SWU Online, Academics

Business professor and HR Program Coordinator Dr. Priscilla Hammond gives insights on the importance of degrees and...

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God Doesn't Always Guarantee 100% Certainty On Specifics

10/15/2020 | Rev. Brent Dongell | Spiritual Life

Maybe that 5-40% lack of clarity in outcome is the faith step God is asking you to take?  "Shadrach, Meshach...

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Thunder and Lightning: God of the Storm

10/7/2020 | Rev. Joy Bryant | Spiritual Life, Alumni

Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was...

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Hispanic Heritage Month: Student Perspective

09/23/2020 | Juan Garcia Morales | Student Life, Spiritual Life

As I sat thinking about a word that describes Hispanic culture, one thing came to mind: DIVERSA (diverse). A...

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